MT 2022


Simply put, Sam Sinnott (he/him) is a hardworking guy with a bunch of passions. His biggest passion in life is his artistry. A singer, dancer, actor, Sam is a committed artist with an extreme desire to tell queer stories. Sam believes the best work comes from collaboration. He also has a passion for languages as he is a polyglot and speaks French, Portuguese, and ASL with knowledge in Russian, Arabic, and Spanish. Additionally, Sam has a passion for service and human connection. When he is not in the theatre, he has devoted his time to creating scholarship opportunities for future arts students, he has produced a full holiday show to raise money for a local homeless shelter, and most recently has created his own organization at his university called IMPACT who’s main goal is to provide service to the community through performance. Sam plans to continue his acts of service well past college. Lastly, Sam has a deep passion for cooking and food. Growing up in a family with Québécois, Brazilian, Irish, and Indian influences, he has filled his recipe book with the cuisines of many cultures. Lucky enough to have family from all over the world, he grew up with inclusivity and diversity as a key aspect of life and it all started with just a few meals. Sam’s motto in life is ”if at least one person walks away smiling, you’ve done your job.” Most of all, don’t be scared of his raging RBF. He’s probably just thinking about cats.