My name is Hannah Easton, and I am soon-to-be graduate of James Madison University. I have earned a BA in Theatre with a concentration in Performance. My goal is to be a full time actress, friend, and collaborator. Acting, for me, is such a powerful way to connect humans together, no matter the difference in the language, culture, or circumstances—which I find beautiful. I am currently working towards finding opportunities to create art abroad and in the US over the up coming years. Travel and experiencing different cultures is a huge love of mine and way for me to constantly be pushed to learn and evolve as an imperfect human being.

My journey in college started in 2020, but then was suddenly throw off course due to a very serious and almost fatal Eating Disorder I had been battling for years. I spent time in a residential facility getting the nutrients and life back into my body for several months before I was released to continue my journey at my home with medical professionals helping to guide me. I restarted college in the fall of 2021, in a new body with a healthier mindset and clearer outlook on the impact Eating Disorders have in the world—specifically in the arts industry. It has now been three years since I have been active and committed to my journey in recovery, and I am still learning every day more about myself and the world around me. My struggles have allowed me to become a more vulnerable actress that advocates for the involvement and spaces for ALL bodies to exist equally in the arts. There is so much privilege around the bodies that are currently taking up space in our art community that often goes unrecognized. It is time to sit down and have conversations about acknowledging the fat phobia that is woven into the art world and the emphasis that is often given towards the outward appearance. I am using my flawed artistic journey as a pedestal to speak up, share my story, and ask the hard questions in hopes for a future with change. 

Let’s collaborate, create, and help to change the world for the better together!